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French Advanced Program

Level 5

80 hours


  • Expand general and specialized lexicon in order to be more articulate.
  • Build confidence when talking about sophisticated and thought provoking issues.
  • Improve auditory skills in order to understand complicated conversations.
  • Strengthen verbs and new phrases so sentences flow smoothly.
  • Participate more actively in meetings.
  • Interact comfortably with business material, newspapers and short TV news reports.
  • Acquire and use more idioms.
  • Understand and respect different cultural values and use this knowledge when interacting with others.

Brief Grammar Outline

  • More subordinates.
  • The pluperfect tense and conditional sentences.
  • Time expressions.
  • A multitude of conjunctions (time, cause, with subjunctive, with adverbs, etc.)
  • Infinitive propositions.
  • The pronoun lequel.
  • Repeated conjunctions and adverbs.
  • Indefinite pronouns.
  • Prepositional phrases.
  • Past infinitive.
  • Past conditional.
Level 6

40 hours


  • Experiment with difficult structures, reinforce grammar and better understand exceptions and nuances.
  • Participate more actively in negotiations and socialize with clients.
  • Work on developing the specific terminology related to your area of business.
  • Be exposed to more complex and fast paced conversations.
  • When multiple meanings are possible, to better chose the appropriate one.
  • Expressing oneself more forcefully and use appropriate words.
  • Comprehend and use popular idioms.
  • To better understand foreign humour and culture.

Brief Outline

The format of the Level 6 workbook differs from the previous levels. It is comprised of articles that have appeared in Quebec magazines and publications, dealing with general interest subjects and topics that encourage debate and give insight into Quebec society.

  • Understand a French article.
  • Decipher a word's meaning in context.
  • Text comprehension.
  • Express situations in one's own words, written and orally.
  • Determine the level of the language (formal, slang, pejorative).
  • Make distinctions and comparisons between high level words.
  • Manipulate difficult language structures.


"I worked with my instructor at ELC over a period of 2+ years to improve my conversational and business French. Not only did my vocabulary and pronunciation progress, my confidence using French increased significantly. I found there was a good balance between applying my skills in general discussion and improving my French grammar. As a senior leader, I had to prepare written material and do presentations in French and my instructor was very supportive helping to prepare for these deliverables.
Even with my challenging calendar, I found my instructor was very flexible and willing to adjust our schedule and location to accommodate very busy periods. I would recommend ELC for support to improve your French at work."
- C. Milne, HR Executive

Executive Language Consultants