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French Beginner Program


40 hours


  • Identify specific pronunciation characteristics in French and duplicate native-like pronunciation.
  • Develop basic reading and writing skills necessary for survival in a French environment.
  • Learn how to understand a message and get a message across to someone else.
  • Ask for clarification or have questions repeated.
  • Learn fundamental tools to help you conduct a simple conversation without being afraid of making mistakes.
  • Speak of common everyday topics, like food, family, shopping, travel and work.

Brief Grammar Outline

  • Learn over 500 new words.
  • Greetings and introductions.
  • 4 categories of pronouns.
  • Many regular and irregular present verbs.
  • Numbers, days, months, dates, times.
  • Possessive adjectives, nationalities, professions.
  • Negatives.
  • Different modes of asking questions.
  • Idiomatic expressions.
  • Future immediate.

40 hours


  • Express themselves with confidence about material covered in class.
  • Work on pronunciation to achieve greater authenticity.
  • Learn and practice more words and expressions related to current events, work and feelings.
  • Try to comprehend and engage in a conversation between French speakers.
  • Be able to seek information, make requests, give orders, apologize, acquire diplomacy.
  • Understand some cultural differences between Anglophones and Francophones.

Brief Grammar Outline

  • More pronouns.
  • Past tenses, regular & irregular.
  • Pronouns in front of verbs.
  • Building vocabulary.
  • Verbs denoting I can, I want to, I have to.
  • Commands, positive, negative + pronouns.
  • Indirect requests.
  • 2 verbs together.
  • 15 negative formulas.
  • Subordinate clauses.


"I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for ELC as the French course that I took helped me tremendously as I had a basic background in French. My employer Pentax Canada required that I improve my French as I had to make frequent trips to Quebec and communicate solemnly in French especially when I am in rural areas in the province of Quebec where French is the only spoken language. ELC not only improved my French, but they also invested time and effort in looking up technical/medical terms that are related to my work, as I had to provide in-service and training to physicians and nurses in French. I highly recommend ELC to anyone who wants to improve their language in French or English as they are specialized in customizing a course to meet your needs and on top of all that, it is very pleasant to deal with them."
- Z. Ghazala, Former employee of Pentax Canada Inc.

Executive Language Consultants