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English Advanced Program

Level 5

80 hours

Students' Profile

  • Capable of carrying on a conversation that flows, but may need some prompting.
  • Mispronunciation and mistakes are perceptible, but do not greatly interfere with communication.
  • On occasion, use incorrect word order in a sentence.
  • Easily articulate complex notions, in spite of some indecision.
Level 6

80 hours

Students' Profile

  • Communicate capably and effortlessly.
  • Mispronunciation and small language mistakes do not impede communication.
  • Can independently and eloquently elaborate the issue being debated.
  • Express sophisticated ideas coherently and without help.
  • Still have accents and are perceived as non-native speakers of English.
For Both Levels


  • Reinforce grammar and better understand exceptions and nuances.
  • Contribute effectively in meetings.
  • Increase vocabulary and idioms, which naturally leads to better comprehension and expression.
  • Express complex scenarios, providing different angles if necessary.
  • Develop sharper listening skills to better understand advanced level conversations.
  • Understand and value different cultures and use this knowledge accordingly.
  • When multiple meanings are possible, to better chose the appropriate one.
  • Be more comfortable with written reports and correspondence.


"We have been improving our English with ELC Canada for almost one year now and it's been a great learning journey for my husband and me. In the beginning, we had face-to-face classes twice a week, and due to the pandemic, we moved to virtual sessions, that has been working very well. The teacher is very engaged to improve our pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary which helps us a lot in our daily job routine. We recommend her for those who want to improve their English level."
- L. Cabal

Executive Language Consultants